Swimming World Cup: diving Barthel and Eikermann fifth from the tower

Swimming World Championship
Water jumper Barthel and Eikermann fifth from the tower

Timo Barthel and Jaden Eikermann in action. Photo: Zheng Huansong/XinHua/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Actually, the German water jumpers wanted to experience a strong afternoon and evening with two finals. However, a positive rapid corona test prevents Moritz Wesemann from starting.

The synchronous duo Timo Barthel and Jaden Eikermann showed a strong final in jumping from the tower, Moritz Wesemann, on the other hand, experienced his final fight from the three-meter board after a positive rapid corona test in isolation in the hotel room.

While the duo, who had only recently been training together, came out on top with fifth place at the World Championships in Budapest, Wesemann and the entire German water jump team were waiting for the result of the ordered PCR test. It was the first Corona case in the German team during the title fights.

«It was a dream for me to be able to do synchronized jumping with Timo. I still have a picture on my cell phone as a background where I’m half the size of Timo, »said Eikermann. «Timo was always a great role model and is still a great role model. Coming to the world series with him is indescribable.” Barthel said, moved: “I’m getting goosebumps now.” Looking at the team’s development opportunities, he said: “It’s looking pretty good on the way to Paris 2024.”

“It was an experiment that they should start here,” said national coach Lutz Buschkow. They had the goal of reaching the finals, which was successful. “They improved in the final battle. Of course they still have some catching up to do in terms of difficulty compared to the world leaders, but they showed what they can do with good nerves of steel,” praised Buschkow.

Bitter rapid test result for Wesemann

The athletes were shocked by the Corona case. “We hope that nothing else comes up and that Team Germany can continue to show what it’s made of,” said Barthel.

Buschkow described the positive result of a rapid test by Wesemann as bitter. “We got through the pandemic very well, but we also knew that at some point things could go wrong. It’s a shame for Moritz, who jumped to the top of the world through the preliminary and semi-finals, that he couldn’t show it in the final,” said Buschkow. An attempt was made to put some pressure on the evaluation of the PCR test, but that didn’t happen in the short time. “We weren’t that lucky. But Moritz is our best one-meter jumper and if the PCR result is negative, he will definitely start there, »said Buschkow.

Before that, however, the German team consistently implemented the specifications of the hygiene concept of these world championships. Wesemann had to watch. He wished the other starters “good luck and success” via Instagram.


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