Sweden: wave of violence is sweeping the country – the police are overwhelmed

Gang crime in Sweden does not want to die down. The police have been trying to get the situation under control for years without success. For weeks now, a wave of violence has been rolling across the country again – with ever younger perpetrators and victims. Now the new government is presenting an action plan.

They have now become part of everyday life in Sweden: shootings and bomb attacks in the country’s cities. There can no longer be any talk of a Bullerbü atmosphere.

Police and politicians have been dealing with these crimes for years. Most recently, clashes between criminal gangs in Sweden increased in 2020. A police officer was shot that year; a 12-year-old was involved in a shootout and was mortally wounded.

At that time, a special police operation called “Raufrost” was launched. She should get the gang problem under control. With stronger police presence in social problem areas or those with a high percentage of migrants, raids, searches and arrests. But in vain.

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