Sustainability – District awards future award – District of Munich

There is a new award in the Munich district: citizens and companies that are particularly committed to environmental and climate protection and sustainability are to be rewarded with the district’s future award. Shortly before the summer break, the district council launched this award. It is to be awarded for the first time in September 2022. Local politicians are convinced that a future worth living in depends to a large extent on how things are going with the environment and how stable the social network is.

The idea in the district is not completely new to focus on and reward people who take on responsibility in this area in a special way and are voluntarily involved in social, ecological or societal terms. Rather, the Future Prize is a further development of the environmental honor that has been taking place since 2005 and of the originally planned Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) prize. “I see the combination of the two awards as a sensible realignment. The commitment of private individuals, institutions and organizations as well as companies characterizes the district and is equally important. That is why I consider the idea to be excellent and I am pleased that the district council supports our proposal followed, “said District Administrator Christoph Göbel (CSU).

The Future Prize can be awarded to citizens who are particularly committed, for example, to the energy or transport transition, species protection or sustainable consumption. There is also a special award based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Since last year, the district has been participating in the “Coordination of Municipal Development Policy” funding project. Every year one of the 17 goals is brought into focus, such as “Sustainable and modern energy for all”, “Protecting terrestrial ecosystems” or “Sustainable consumption and production methods”.

Individuals and companies can apply to the district office for the future award or be suggested. The projects or measures must be in line with the CSR idea, the climate-energy initiative 29 ++, environmental protection or the 2030 Agenda and have been implemented.


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