Survey: Three quarters of the citizens for the dismissal of Lambrecht

opinion poll
Three quarters of the citizens for the dismissal of Lambrecht

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht has upset many people with her New Year’s Eve video. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht has been criticized for a controversial New Year’s Eve video. According to a new survey, most citizens want consequences.

According to a survey, a large majority of Germans believe that Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) should be fired.

In a representative survey by the opinion research institute Civey for the news portal t-online, 77 percent of those questioned spoke out in favor of such a step. 13 percent believed that the minister should remain in office. 10 percent said they were undecided.

With her New Year’s Eve video, which was distributed via Instagram at the weekend, Lambrecht had once again attracted great criticism. In it, she summarized the year 2022, which was marked by the war in Ukraine, but her words were repeatedly lost in the whistling of New Year’s Eve rockets and exploding firecrackers. There are calls for the Union to step down.


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