Survey: Majority for cancellation of parental allowance for high income

Opinion poll
Majority for parental allowance cancellation with high income

A mother holds her son’s hand. photo

© Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Households with a good income should lose their entitlement to parental allowance – this is how the family minister wants to make her savings contribution. A majority of the population thinks this is a good thing.

A clear majority supports one According to a survey for “Spiegel”, the planned cancellation of parental allowance for families with particularly high incomes. In the Civey survey, two-thirds (68 percent) rated the project as “rather correct” or “definitely correct”. 27 percent believe it is “rather wrong” or “definitely wrong”.

In the course of budget planning for the coming year and the cuts in spending to limit debts pushed by Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), the traffic light plans to cancel parental allowance for couples with a joint taxable income of 150,000 euros. The limit is currently 300,000 euros. The project had been the subject of controversy in recent days.

Parental allowance is part of the budget of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) regrets the parental benefit cap. However, the Ministry of Finance prescribed her a reduction in contribution and, from all the bad options, she chose what she considered the least bad option, she argues.

Spiegel report


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