Survey: A good half of Germans are satisfied with Pistorius

Opinion poll
A good half of Germans are satisfied with Pistorius

Federal Minister of Defense since January 19: Boris Pistorius. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

The work of the new Federal Defense Minister is well received by the population. According to a survey, many are satisfied with Boris Pistorius.

According to a survey a few weeks after Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) took office, almost half of Germans are satisfied with his work. In the Forsa survey published for “Stern”, 47 percent of those questioned said they were satisfied or very satisfied.

On the other hand, 18 percent stated that they were less or not at all satisfied. 35 percent of those surveyed have not yet formed an opinion about Pistorius or did not want to comment.

Pistorius was appointed defense minister in January after his predecessor Christine Lambrecht (SPD) asked for his dismissal. During her short tenure, Lambrecht was heavily criticized and recently achieved relatively low popularity ratings.


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