Supporters of disabled students demonstrate in 80 cities

“We’re really angry! Sylvie Serrano, FSU representative in the Hautes-Pyrénées, is demonstrating today with many accompanying persons of disabled students (AESH) against the precariousness and the deterioration of her working conditions. In total, gatherings are organized in more than 80 cities. And the demands are not lacking.

“We have imposed partial times. Most AESH work twenty-four hours a week and salaries are below the poverty line, ”points out the accompanist in vocational high school. “The average salary is around 760 euros and career development is miserable,” adds Anne Falciola, AESH in a college in Ain and CGT representative.

A 90% female profession

The status and the training are also factors of dissatisfaction: even in CDI, the AESH do not have the status of civil servant of the National Education, and the initial training lasts only sixty hours for this profession “90% female. “. The new index scale put in place by the ministry is not enough.

Despite an increase in their number of 35% in five years, and 4,000 recruitments planned for the start of the 2022 school year, the AESH are only 125,500 facing 400,000 students with disabilities. Things have worsened since 2019 and the establishment of PIALs, these inclusive support centers located to coordinate interventions.

Fragmented schedules

In reality, they fragmented the schedules, sometimes in an incoherent way, and contributed to “dehumanize this function”, estimates Katia Batailler, AESH in Deux-Sèvres. “Since the arrival of the PIALs, following four or five students is common, and it is also common for a student to have several AESH”, testifies Sylvie Serrano.

Absurd and particularly unsettling for students, especially autistic people. Some families do not hesitate to turn to justice today, such as Laetitia Sarre, who in June obtained the conviction of the Aix-Marseille academy for failure to respect the number of hours of support for his autistic son in Marseille.

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