“Sunday trend”: Millions of voters are turning away from the Greens, according to survey

Germany “Sunday trend”

Millions of voters are turning away from the Greens, according to survey

Ricarda Lang, Federal Chairwoman of the Greens

Ricarda Lang, Federal Chairwoman of the Greens

Source: dpa/Hannes P Albert

According to a survey by the opinion research institute Insa, the Greens have fallen to their lowest level in six years. Millions are turning away. Meanwhile, the figures for the AfD and BSW have changed only minimally.

DThe Greens have fallen to their lowest level since June 2018 in the Insa “Sunday Trend”. According to the weekly survey conducted on behalf of “Bild am Sonntag”, the party only received eleven percent of the vote, which is one percentage point less than in the previous week and the worst result in six years.

According to Insa boss Hermann Binkert, this corresponds to a loss of more than two million votes compared to the 2021 federal election.

Overall, according to the survey, the parties in the traffic light coalition remain far from a government majority: the SPD received 16 percent, as in the previous week, and the FDP five. This means that the current government parties would only receive 32 percent of the vote if the Bundestag were to be elected on Sunday.

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According to the survey, the CDU and CSU remain by far the strongest party, receiving 31 percent of the vote (plus one percentage point). The AfD gained one percentage point to 17 percent for the first time in three months.

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Sahra Wagenknecht’s coalition loses one point and comes in at seven percent. The Left (three percent) and Free Voters (two percent) would clearly miss out on a place in the Bundestag.

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The opinion research institute Insa surveyed 1,205 people from Monday to Friday. The maximum margin of error was given as plus/minus 2.9 percentage points.

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