Style idea triggers criticism: Evelyn Burdecki cuts up European Championship jersey –

Style idea triggers criticism
Evelyn Burdecki cuts up European Championship jersey –

Influencer Evelyn Burdecki is being criticized for cutting up a jersey before the German team’s European Championship kick-off. Photo

© Gerald Matzka/dpa

In order to create a larger neckline and “distract the Scots in a very striking way”, the influencer reached for the scissors before visiting the stadium. The action backfired online.

This style campaign is not met with much enthusiasm: Influencer and ex-jungle queen Evelyn Burdecki has sparked criticism from fans by cutting up her Germany jersey.

The 35-year-old posted a video on Instagram showing her preparing for her visit to the stadium for the opening match of the European Championships. In order to pimp up her appearance a bit, Burdecki grabbed the scissors and used a large pair of scissors to cut open the tight collar of her European Championship jersey in order to have a larger neckline.

The reality star also cut the bottom of the shirt and then tied both loose ends together. “I’m trying to distract the Scots in a very striking way today!” explained the revealing influencer.

The supposedly brilliant fashion idea turned into a faux pas – the reactions were clear. “It’s a shame that a jersey that some people can’t afford is treated like that,” said one comment that received particularly strong approval. The original jersey costs 100 euros.

Many celebrities in the stadium

“I think you did yourself no favors with this reel,” was the criticism elsewhere. Some considered the fashion stunt “disrespectful” or even declared it the “own goal of the century,” but there was hardly any praise for the idiosyncratic inspiration idea.

Burdecki was not the only well-known face in the stadium itself: Oliver Pocher, comedian and singer of the football hit “Schwarz und weiss”, posted impressions of the DFB team’s 5:1 opening victory against Scotland on Instagram, as did Heidi Klum and her husband Tom Kaulitz. The couple greeted everyone from the arena with faces painted in the colors black, red and gold.

Singer Sarah Engels, influencers Dagi Bee and Paola Maria, and internet star Jens “Knossi” Knosalla, who recently released the cover hit “Stand up” (For the Champions) with ex-football pro Max Kruse for the European Championship, were also among the spectators. Unlike Burdecki, however, they left their jerseys in their original condition.


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