Stuttgart: Police discovered three bodies – the latest findings

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The Stuttgart police find three bodies. This is what is known about it so far

Two dead 53-year-old men were found in the “Valle” restaurant in downtown Stuttgart. Only a few kilometers away, the police discovered a woman’s body in a parking garage

© Andreas Rosar/dpa

Three dead people and many unanswered questions. While it is unclear whether two men killed each other in a restaurant, the police are looking for the alleged murderer of a 32-year-old woman. The latest findings at a glance.

In front of the Italian restaurant “Valle” in Stuttgart, three young men stick a sign next to the recommendations of the week: “The restaurant will remain closed until further notice.” On Monday evening, two dead 53-year-olds were found in the basement of the restaurant. According to media reports, the two men are the operator of the restaurant and his business partner and friend.

The topic has been a topic of conversation in the city since Monday. A day after the fact, the police officers and the barrier tape are gone. The bar is lit and the front room is open, but the restaurant itself is empty. The police sealed the entrance. Groups of people walk past the restaurant. Some have read about the incident in the newspaper and heard about it from friends. They no longer feel safe, some say, while others express their condolences for the relatives. Some didn’t notice anything about the incident and are stunned. It is bad that something like this is happening in your own city. In the afternoon there are a few bouquets of flowers and roses in front of the entrance. On the door, a big sign: “We mourn you.” It is addressed to only one of the two men. Which ones remain open.

Police Stuttgart: “No indication of organized crime”

After the fact became known, rumors quickly circulated that there were mafia structures around the restaurant. However, the police cannot confirm this. “There is no evidence of organized crime. Even if we are investigating in all directions,” says police spokesman Stephan Widmann. The police also do not want to comment on the personal background of the two men or on the possible course of events.

It is known that the officials became aware of the crime through a witness on Monday afternoon. When they got to the restaurant at 3:50 p.m., they found the two men with serious injuries. Inflicted by a sharp object such as a knife. The police did not name the exact murder weapon. They assume that no other person was involved in the killings. It seems the men killed each other. Even two days after the crime, the police are keeping a low profile. After the autopsy, the public prosecutor commissioned a toxicological report. It is being investigated whether the two men were, for example, on drugs or were under the influence of alcohol.

International arrest warrant issued for slain woman’s husband

Just a few kilometers away, a woman’s body was also discovered in a car in Bad Cannstatt on Monday. A relative of the 32-year-old reported her missing at 7:30 a.m. Around four hours later, she was found by the officers in the Mercedes-Benz employee car park.

In the Mercedes Benz employee car park in Bad Canstatt, the police found the body of a woman

In the Mercedes Benz employee car park in Bad Canstatt, the police found the body of a woman

© Simon Adomat/VMD-Images/dpa

Police believe the 36-year-old husband killed the woman and left her in the parking garage. He is wanted. He may have fled to Turkey. There is now an international arrest warrant for the man. Officials emphasize that this case has nothing to do with the two deaths in the Italian restaurant.

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