Study groups and Reich Citizens’ Schools: Why children in Bavaria have to feel sorry for them – Bavaria

It is brutally difficult for children because they like to be mistreated with the latest adult fashions. It has been going on for a long time. 45 years ago, at a parents’ evening, a woman from the trade announced that Asterix comics glorified violence, with the result that the young man was immediately deprived of all the notebooks. Romans are not to be mistreated. Later it was said that war toys were crap too. It’s just stupid that the landing in Normandy cannot even begin to recreate with Ostheimer nativity figures. An angel will never become a fighter-bomber, even if you give it a camouflage.

In the eighties, peace movements tortured their offspring with doomsday books by Gudrun Pausewang. Later Indians, cowboys and princesses fell victim to cleanups in kindergartens. A new trend is towards raising children in a gender, religion and climate neutral way and protecting the child from disorders of all kinds that could damage the development of their giftedness. These disorders also include a number of corona tests, because drilling their mouth and nose could traumatize the little ones for life.

Because society is diversifying and children are lifestyle objects, a growing number of parents are toying with special educational projects: It was only this week that it became public that the Austrian magician Ricardo Leppe has 16 learning groups in Bavaria. He flirted with the fact that he was sometimes only given 30 minutes a week. This is also noticeable in his YouTube videos, for example when he talks about the dangers of drinking water or headaches. Others prefer to send their children to a “Reichsbürger” school like the one in Schechen, to protect them from access by the state. The sect of the “Twelve Tribes”, which unfortunately emerged from oblivion in the past few days, thrashes its children so that they can become godly people.

It will be interesting to see what ideas will be added in the next few years – and how the children will later take revenge on their parents.

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