“Strong thunderstorms” thunder towards Bavaria – three regions likely to be particularly affected

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The weather in Bavaria is not calming down. Heavy thunderstorms are forecast again for the weekend. The DWD is issuing warnings.

Update from June 22nd, 9pm: The weather situation in Bavaria is unchanged – the DWD continues to warn of “severe thunderstorms” for large parts of southern Upper Bavaria and southern Swabia. In both cases, the warning is valid until midnight. An improvement is therefore not expected until the early hours of Sunday morning.

Update from June 22nd, 7:55 p.m.: It’s raining in Munich – a nuisance for the numerous visitors to the various events taking place outdoors today, including Andreas Gabalier’s concert in the Olympic Stadium, the many CSD parties in the city center and the European Championship public viewing in the Olympic Park. Anyone hoping that the weather will improve quickly will be disappointed by the DWD warning – it is valid for the state capital, among other places, until midnight.

“Storm gusts, heavy rain, hail”: Thunderstorms sweep across Free State

Update from June 22nd, 6.30 p.m.: The thunderstorm warning for northern Swabia has expired – but there is now one for the entire south of Upper Bavaria and Swabia. The warning also applies to Munich, where thousands of people are currently in the city because of the various major events! The DWD currently writes in its warning message: “Isolated thunderstorms are moving in from the southwest. There will be gusts of wind with speeds of around 70 km/h as well as heavy rain with precipitation amounts between 20 l/m² and 35 l/m² in 6 hours and small hail.”

Update from June 22nd, 5.40pm: And there are already the first acute thunderstorm warnings in the DWD warning map. Meteorologists are currently warning of two thunderstorm cells – one over northern Swabia and western Central Franconia, the other over southern Swabia and western Upper Bavaria.

On Saturday, there will be “strong thunderstorms” in Bavaria, especially in three regions, according to the German Weather Service (symbolic image). © Gottfried Czepluch / IMAGO

“Heavy thunderstorm” in Bavaria – DWD warns in two regions

The DWD’s warnings state: “Isolated thunderstorms are moving in from the southwest. There will be gusts of wind with speeds of around 70 km/h as well as heavy rain with precipitation amounts of between 20 l/m² and 35 l/m² in 6 hours and small hail.” The warning is initially valid until 8 p.m. It cannot be ruled out that the thunderstorms will move further west and also hit Munich.

According to the current warning map of the German Weather Service (as of Thursday, 5.40 p.m.), there are currently two thunderstorm cells over Bavaria.
According to the current warning map of the German Weather Service (as of Thursday, 5.40 p.m.), there are currently two thunderstorm cells over Bavaria. © Warning map German Weather Service

First report from June 22nd: Munich – Towards the end of the week, heavy thunderstorms were already raging in Bavaria, and photos showed the sheer extent of the force with which the forces of nature swept across parts of the Free State. On Friday evening, 21 June, it also rained in the state capital, among other places. Munich strong. On Saturday, June 22nd, it remained largely sunny during the day – but in the evening it is likely to become unpleasant again.

Weather forecast for Bavaria: DWD warns of “strong thunderstorms” in Bavaria – three regions in focus

The German Weather Service (DWD) writes in its current warning report that there will be isolated, sometimes strong, thunderstorms in the west and south in the afternoon and into the coming night. “There will be heavy rain in some areas, particularly in the southern Alpine foothills,” say the meteorologists.

In detail, the weather experts write that cooler Atlantic air is currently flowing into Bavaria, which will increasingly come under the influence of high pressure on Sunday, June 23. The situation in the Free State is therefore particularly precarious on Saturday. The DWD is warning in particular for the regions of southwestern Middle Franconia, Swabia and Upper Bavaria of “isolated strong thunderstorms with local heavy rain of up to 25 l/m² in one hour, hail and gusts of up to 70 km/h”. In the Alpine foothills, severe heavy rain cannot be ruled out.

This weather forecast could be particularly worrying for Munich residents. Four major events are taking place in the Bavarian capital on Saturday: Christopher Street Day (CSD), the Summer Tollwood, the public viewings of the European Championships and Andreas Gabalier’s concert in the Olympic Stadium. Sudden thunderstorms could make the situation particularly dangerous here.

(By the way: Our Bavaria newsletter informs you daily about all the important stories from Bavaria.)

Weather forecast: Precarious situation in Bavaria – also in the evening

According to the DWD, the situation will remain critical in the evening. The meteorologists write in the current warning report: “From the evening and into the night, especially in the southern foothills, local storm-like developments due to heavy rain with amounts of between 30 and 60 l/m² (storms) are likely in a few hours.”

On Sunday, the first signs of relief will appear. The German Weather Service reports that although isolated showers are still possible locally until the evening and the sky will remain largely overcast, it is expected to become “increasingly dry” as the day progresses. (fhz)

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