Stromae will be the honorary president of the ceremony

It is definitely the year of Stromae. He will be the honorary president of the Victoires de la musique 2022, the organizers of the ceremony and his record company announced on Wednesday. The Belgian artist, who will be released Multitude on March 4, succeeds Jean-Louis Aubert. He had created the event in the log of 20 hours of TF1 in early January by unveiling hell. This new title of his future album speaks bluntly of “suicidal thoughts”, while the artist has recovered from a burn-out in recent years.

The 37th Victoires de la Musique ceremony will take place on February 11 at La Seine Musicale, near Paris, and will be broadcast live on France 2 and France Inter from 9:10 p.m.

Orelsan and Clara Luciani favorites of the evening

OrelSan and Clara Luciani are the big favourites, nominated in four categories each: artist (male and female), album, song and audiovisual creation. These two leading artists are closely followed by Juliette Armanet and Feu! Chatterton cited respectively in three categories. But OrelSan appears to be the essential of the hinge at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022, surfing on public and critical success.

Civilization released in November (the same day as the blockbuster 30 by the British Adele), is the best-selling album in France in 2021 (more than 335,000 copies), according to the classification of the National Syndicate of Phonographic Publishing (Snep).

Will OrelSan do better than in 2018, when he won three Victories during the same ceremony? In any case, the artist makes the titles of his previous albums lie Lost in advance (2009) and The party is over (2017), reaching a wide audience, well beyond the rap circle.

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