“Stranger Things” actor reveals mystery about his character

Netflix series
“Stranger Things” actor reveals mystery about his character

Noah Schnapp as Will in “Stranger Things”


“Stranger Things” fans have been puzzling for a long time: Is the series character Will gay? There were some indications of this – actor Noah Schnapp now provides clarity in an interview.

The fourth season of “Stranger Things” is over, and many fans are primarily concerned with one question: Is Will Byers gay? There were some indications of this in the season, the rumor mill was bubbling on the Internet. However, this question was not clearly resolved by the screenwriters Matt and Ross Duffer. Actor Noah Schnapp has now revealed the secret.

In an interview with “Variety”, he explained: His series character Will is “100 percent gay” and in love with his best friend Mike. “It’s always been kind of there, but you never really knew, is he just growing up slower than his friends? Now that he’s older, they have (the screenwriters, editor’s note) made it a very real, obvious thing,” says the 17-year-old, who was introduced to the role at a young age.

“Stranger Things” character Will is gay

The actor is thrilled with how the Duffer brothers portray the teenager’s development on the show: “They write these real characters, this real journey and this real fight and they do it so well.” Sometimes he hears from people that they would recognize their youth in Will.

From the beginning of the series, viewers had repeatedly recognized small hints of Will’s sexuality. While his friends Max, Lucas, Dustin, Elf and Mike have their first experiences with the opposite sex in the course of the story, Will sometimes even reacts allergically. In season three, his friend Mike snaps at him, “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.” There, however, it remains unclear whether the reason for this is actually Will’s homosexuality.

Hints in season four

In the fourth season, when the clique is almost grown up, there are increasing signs that there could be more behind it. So far, the makers of the series as well as the cast had not made any clear statements, but only made suggestions. “It’s 2022 and we don’t have to label things. I think the beauty of Will’s character is that he’s a human being going through his own personal demons and issues,” Millie Bobby Brown, who plays Elf, said recently .

Stranger Things Season Finale Trailer

With his statement, Noah Schnapp clears up all uncertainties and gives fans certainty – and possibly also an indication of a crucial aspect of the plot in the fifth and final season of the Netflix series.

Sources: “Variety” (1) / “Variety” (2)


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