Storm: Flooding in the south is rising

The water levels in the rivers are rising, particularly near Lake Constance, after heavy, continuous rain during the night. Many communities are issuing warnings. Things could get really dangerous today.

In many communities along the rivers in southern Germany that have been affected by persistent rain, there could be severe flooding today. Even though there was no widespread flooding during the night, a flood of the century is feared in many places.

In Upper Swabia and on Lake Constance, however, the situation has eased slightly. “Despite persistent rain, the feared flooding through Scherzach and Schussen during the night did not occur,” the town of Weingarten announced. Although there is a slight all-clear, the situation is still tense, said a spokeswoman. They plan to discuss the matter further with the fire brigade over the course of the morning.

In Weingarten near Ravensburg, residents were advised in the evening to stay overnight with relatives and friends outside the areas at risk from rising water levels and to avoid cellars and basements.

In Meckenbeuren in the Bodensee district, just a few kilometers away, the situation has also eased somewhat, said a fire department spokesman. “I think the peak was reached after midnight.” However, operations are still ongoing. Due to the acute risk of flooding, around 1,300 people have been advised to leave their homes.

A school was secured with sandbags because it was not yet clear whether the Schussen would overflow at that point, said the spokesman. In general, however, it is assumed that the water levels could drop again somewhat, as a lot of water has already flowed away, for example into Lake Constance.

State Garden Show remains closed

The State Garden Show in Wangen im Allgäu will remain closed today due to the current situation. “There is a lot of water in the river and it is not yet clear how the situation will develop, as further rainfall is forecast for the next few hours,” said a spokeswoman. The town on the Argen had issued a flood alert in the evening. Events on the State Garden Show site had been cancelled.

The water level of the Argen is being closely monitored, it was said. The city’s mayor, Michael Lang (independent), had informed his citizens about the current situation on Instagram until late in the evening.

128 litres of rain per square metre within 24 hours

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the highest warning level is in effect in many places in parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. The amount of precipitation last night largely corresponded to the forecasts. In Sigmarszell in Swabia in the district of Lindau, around 128 litres of rain per square metre fell within one day. In Ottobeuren in the district of Unterallgäu and in Wangen im Allgäu (district of Ravensburg) it was around 108 litres. In Kißlegg around 105 litres fell, in Weiler-Simmerberg in the district of Lindau around 104 litres.

Cellar under water, disaster in Günzburg

The resulting increase in river water levels is also causing concern further north, for example on the Danube and its other tributaries. Some areas here are expected to experience flooding that statistically only occurs every 50 to 100 years.

The Zusam river in the Augsburg district has already overflowed its banks, overflowing streets in the market town of Fischach and flooding some cellars. However, there was no major damage or injuries, the police said. According to the Bavarian Flood Information Service, the Zusam reached warning level three out of four at the Fleinhausen gauge during the night.

“We take the situation very seriously”

Not far from there, the district of Günzburg declared a state of emergency – as a precautionary measure. The aim in the region is to be able to provide better support to the potentially affected towns and communities, the district office said. Emergency services from the entire district are needed for this.

Camping and recreational sites on the Günz, Kammel and Mindel rivers should be cleared – many guests of the Legoland theme park are likely to stay here during the Whitsun holidays. “We are taking the situation very seriously,” said District Administrator Hans Reichhart (CSU). “We want to make the best possible use of the time we have left before the flood reaches the Günzburg district.”

In the Biberach district, people in affected areas were called upon to pay attention to their safety. There is a potential danger to life there. They should prepare emergency luggage and download the NINA warning app onto their smartphones in order to receive timely information – set so that an alarm sounds when an evacuation message is received. “The cell phone must be switched on and must not be in flight mode,” said the district office of the particularly affected Ravensburg region.

Flood risk also in Hesse, danger in the east

In other regions too, the rainfall has caused water levels in rivers to rise – and further increases are expected. In Hesse, according to the regional State Office for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology, flooding on the Rhine and Neckar is possible, which statistically only occurs every 20 years.

According to the DWD, people in eastern Germany must prepare for a lot of rain and, in some cases, thunderstorms. However, the storm is expected to hit Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt less severely than initially feared.


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