Still nearly 6,000 people in intensive care this Wednesday

5,959 Coronavirus patients were in critical care services on Wednesday April 21, 2021. – Frederic DIDES / SIPA

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in intensive care fell slightly compared to Tuesday, but still remains above the 5,900 people mark. So Wednesday,
Public health France counted 5,959 patients in “critical care” services, namely resuscitation, intensive care and continuous monitoring, against 5,984 the day before.

In 24 hours, 476 patients were admitted to these services which treat the most serious cases, against 601 patients the day before.

Number of hospitalizations down

For ten days, the number of patients in intensive care, very closely scrutinized, has been around this threshold of 5,900, still far from the peak of the first wave in April 2020 (around 7,000). The overall number of hospitalized Coronavirus patients is also down slightly, with 30,954 patients recorded on Wednesday, against 31,086 on Tuesday.

In total, 2,095 people have been hospitalized in the past 24 hours, against 2,404 the day before, according to the health agency. On the vaccination side, 13,247,089 people received at least one injection of vaccine and 5,013,963 both doses, according to the Directorate General of Health.

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