Stefan Aust has Böhmermann poster banned from ZDF Magazin Royale – media


Claudia Tieschky

the World-Editors and earlier mirrorEditor-in-Chief Stefan Aust has an injunction against a broadcast in Jan Böhmermann at the Hamburg Regional Court ZDF Magazine Royale shown satirical wanted poster obtained. This is confirmed by ZDF; first he had mirror reported about it. The depiction from the broadcast of November 25 is in the style of the wanted posters from the RAF era; under the photos of the “left-wing violent criminals” of a “Lindner/Lehfeldt gang” who are allegedly wanted by warrants, there is also a picture under which the name “Aust, Stefan Reinhard” is written with Aust’s date and place of birth. In addition, the poster includes photos of Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner, FDP, his wife, the Worldjournalist Franca Lehfeldt, as well as other Springer journalists and CEO Mathias Döpfner.

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