State Opera: Kammersänger Ulrich Reß retired – Munich


Jutta Czeguhn, Munich

There’s a tenor in the hardware store in Augsburg… That’s how a mediocre joke could begin. But no, that’s just the start of one of those wonderful operatic anecdotes, of which Ulrich Reß has a considerable fundus. So as follows: Reß, in DIY overalls, is pushing the full shopping trolley towards the checkout in the Bauhaus in his hometown when his mobile phone rings. At the other end is London, the venerable Royal Opera House. Whether he could step in as Goro in “Madame Butterfly”, unfortunately already on the same evening, 7.30 p.m., the plane from Augsburg was already reserved. Reß has sung the role many times and knows it in his sleep. he says yes

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