State election: Büchler and Köhler want to govern – district of Munich

At the July district meeting of the Greens in the district of Munich, the two state parliamentarians Claudia Köhler and Markus Büchler as well as district councilor Frauke Schwaiblmair and district councilor Martin Wagner announced their renewed candidacy in the elections next year. The declared aim of the two members of the state parliament is for the Greens to participate in the coming government.

When announcing his renewed candidacy, Büchler emphasized: “After an electoral term of opposition work, I can see exactly what is going wrong in Bavaria, especially in my field of mobility. It is important that buses and trains in town and country are reliable and cheap and that cars , where they are needed, will soon be driving without emissions and traffic jams. And I can see what needs to be done to make cycling fun in everyday life.” For Claudia Köhler, in addition to a functioning infrastructure, equal opportunities and the opportunity for everyone to participate in the field of education are in the foreground: “We will only get enough teachers and really optimal childcare when a new government finally tackles these issues.”

The Munich-Land district association welcomes all four candidacies, according to a press release from the Greens. “We are pleased that our successful green quartet is back,” said district chairman Volker Leib. The direct candidates for the district and state elections will be elected by the Greens members in the district on October 5 at the nomination meeting.

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