Start exercising: Expert gives tips for getting started

We all know that sport is important and healthy. And yet most people find it difficult. Therapist Caro Müller-Korn explains which simple exercises can be used to reactivate the muscles.

This interview comes from the stern archive and first appeared on May 1, 2023.

Ms. Müller-Korn, let’s talk about exercise. You are a therapist and trainer. Do the majority of your patients come to you because they have done too much exercise or too little?
Almost all of them because they haven’t done anything. They take the elevator to their car, which is in the underground garage, take the elevator up to the office, sit for eight hours, and then do it all again in the evening. Only in reverse.

Apparently, a German runs an average of 900 meters a day.
I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I can imagine that it’s even less.

What are the typical complaints you face?

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