Starbucks plans to delete Facebook page over hate speech

A lounge of the Starbucks brand. Drawing. – JPDN – Sipa

Will the Starbucks Group maintain its presence on Facebook? The American coffeehouse chain is tired of the many hate messages it receives as soon as it posts a new post, reports BuzzFeed News.

Faced with hatred and intolerance, the company plans to delete its page. A possibility that worries Facebook: this departure could lead to others. “Starbucks is in the process of evaluating its organic presence on Facebook and whether it should continue to be present on the platform,” worries a social network employee in charge of relations with the company in an email sent to colleagues.

Difficult moderation

“Whenever they post about social issues or their mission and values, […] they are overwhelmed by negative / insensitive comments, hate speech ”, continues the official. According to him, the team that manages the Starbucks page has a hard time moderating all the hateful responses.

The company sent Facebook a series of questions to understand how its algorithms moderate or boost the visibility of comments below posts. Many brands have already made the decision to leave the social network, tired of online hate, recalls Lemon Juicer. Among them are Tesla and SpaceX.

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