Split payment is coming within a year for travelers on certain lines

Payment in installments could see the light of day at the SNCF. A way to allow everyone to travel and have access to the train but also to silence the regular criticism of ticket prices, reports The Parisian. “We are working on all the good ideas that make it easier for everyone to access train travel, including through means of payment,” explains the CEO of SNCF Voyageurs. “As of the 20th of each month, the first reason for refusal of payment is ‘insufficient funds’. »

From a certain amount

A call for tenders was launched in the spring of 2022 and is still in progress. Two or three companies specializing in split payment are still in the running. Once the company is chosen in September, negotiations will take place and a test phase will take place before a gradual implementation next year.

Payment in instalments could thus be accessible by mid-2023 at the latest. It will even concern immediate departures (with a first payment before the trip) but not all journeys. The main lines (TGV, Ouigo, Intercités) would be targeted in particular, but not the daily trains, which are less expensive.

Logic dictates that the split payment is only available above a certain amount. “This will be offered for the largest order amounts, for example when booking for a family or a group”, explains SNCF Voyageurs.

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