Speech to the Nation: Charles III. promises lifetime service

Status: 9/9/2022 8:33 p.m

The new British King Charles III. addressed the nation and the Commonwealth in a speech for the first time. The monarch is renewing a promise made by his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The British King Charles III. made his first address to the nation as monarch. He said in the speech that he felt “deep sadness” at the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. He pledged to serve the nation for life, as did his mother. She once promised to devote “her whole life, short or long,” to serving her subjects. “And like the Queen herself, with such unwavering devotion, I commit myself now for the rest of the time God grants me to uphold constitutional principles in the heart of our nation.”

During his speech, which was previously recorded at Buckingham Palace, a photo of the late Queen was on a desk next to him. The speech was broadcast on British television and shown at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Around 2,000 people attended a memorial service for the Queen there. Among those in attendance were Prime Minister Liz Truss and members of her government.

“Thank you, dearest mom”

Addressing his late mother directly, Charles said: “Dear Mom, as you begin your final great journey to meet my dear late Dad, I just want to say one thing: Thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to all the nations whom you have served so diligently over the years.”

Affection, admiration and respect have become hallmarks of his mother’s reign, Charles said. Any member of his family can testify that the Queen associated this with “warmth, humor and an unerring ability to see the best in people”.

Heir apparent William is now Prince of Wales

Charles III also announced that he had appointed his son and heir apparent William as the new Prince of Wales. It was a privilege to hold that title, Charles said. He was confident that William, 40, and his wife Kate, 40, would continue to inspire British society and lead national debates as the Prince and Princess of Wales.

Previously, Charles himself had borne the title Prince of Wales. His wife Camilla – now “Queen Consort” – bore the title Duchess of Wales. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, 73-year-old Charles became the British king.

Charles was forgiving about his younger son Harry (37) and his wife Meghan (41). “I also want to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build a life overseas,” said the 73-year-old. Harry and Meghan had broken away from the inner circle of the royal family more than two years ago and now live with their children Archie (3) and Lilibet (1) in the US state of California. Harry had fallen out with his father Charles and his older brother William.

“A very personal and very important speech”

According to the ARD correspondent Anette Dittert In his speech, Charles wanted above all to make his grief clear and to share it. “It was a very personal and very important speech overall.”

How he intends to fulfill his role as British head of state will only become apparent in the coming weeks and months – the next few days will be all about mourning.

“My darling Mama”, Annette Dittert, ARD London, on the speech of King Charles III.

tagesschau24 7:00 p.m., September 9, 2022

National mourning period has begun

The British government had previously announced the start of a national period of mourning over the death of Queen Elizabeth II. It is valid until the end of the day on which the state funeral takes place. September 19 is the most likely date that the royal family will name.

The government also issued a multi-page advisory explaining how business owners, individuals, public bodies and organizations can express their grief. For example, organizers do not have to cancel or postpone their entertainment or sporting events.

The government explained that the length of the national mourning phase does not have to match that of the royal family. A statement from the palace previously said it was the wish of the new King Charles III that a period of royal mourning be observed “from now until seven days after the Queen’s funeral”.

Ten days of national mourning begin in the UK after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Anna Mundt, ARD London, daily news at 12:00 p.m., September 9, 2022

Before his speech, Charles III. met the new Prime Minister Liz Truss at Buckingham Palace for a first meeting. Tomorrow he will be officially proclaimed as British King. Proclamation is carried out by members of the Privy Council, which is composed primarily of current and former members of the government, church officials, judges and other public figures.

As announced by Buckingham Palace, the ceremony is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. (CEST) at St. James’s Palace in London. The proclamation is to be read from the castle balcony and then from other locations in the UK. However, this act is rather symbolic: the moment the Queen died, the crown automatically passed to her eldest son.

Charles is also scheduled to meet Prime Minister Liz Truss and the cabinet on Saturday.

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