Special session: Saxon state parliament determines epidemic emergency

Kretschmer: AfD jointly responsible for the corona situation

Kretschmer made the AfD jointly responsible for the worsening of the corona situation. “You have a great responsibility for how things are currently in this country,” he said in a speech to determine the epidemic situation in Saxony. He also went into the fate of the AfD member of the state parliament Ivo Teichmann, who had made his serious Covid 19 disease public over the weekend. Kretschmer paid him respect for this and wished him a speedy recovery. But while Teichmann was in the hospital, the AfD was mobilizing for a demonstration against vaccination and an alleged “Corona dictatorship” in Pirna at the same time, said Kretschmer. The party’s behavior caused great damage.

Individual protesters in front of the state parliament

Contrary to the fears of the police, the situation in front of the state parliament remains largely calm. The emergency services have been present in front of the state parliament since the morning, wrote the authority on the short message service Twitter. Shortly after the meeting began, the police broke up a smaller gathering. Personal details were recorded of participants who refused. Those who did not comply with this were carried away to the emergency vehicles by the police to establish their identity.

The police had expected large protests in front of the state parliament. It had come under fire because marches by corona deniers could take place almost unmolested despite the police presence. According to the emergency ordinance, only ten people are currently allowed to gather.

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