SPD wants pump track for Unterföhring – district of Munich

If you have a bit of practice, you can pull off daring stunts in the curves and on the hills – but the asphalted stretches of the Aschheim pump track also offer beginners the opportunity to gain initial experience with the bike. For the SPD in Unterföhring, the bike park in the neighboring community is an absolute role model and also fits in with the times. Pump tracks are becoming increasingly popular and are suitable for all ages. In a corresponding application, Philipp Schwarz, parliamentary group spokesman in the municipal council, and his party friends are now calling for the construction of a public pump track in the Unterföhring municipality as well.

According to the will of the comrades, the administration should obtain offers from appropriate providers and look out for suitable plots of land for a bike park like the one that is being built in Ismaning. The SPD itself proposes including the property in the extension of the interim sports field of the high school in the considerations, but one is open to all other suggestions from the town hall administration and the other factions, says the application. In addition, in a later planning process, all local facilities from the Fezi youth leisure center to the youth advisory board, the senior citizens’ advisory board, the day-care centers and schools and the sports clubs are to be involved. After all, such a route can be used with almost all companions – with mountain bikes as well as with inline skates, wheelchairs or scooters – and is therefore also suitable for all age groups.

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