SPD: Prime Minister Weil: Scholz undisputed “number one”

Prime Minister Weil: Scholz undisputed “number one”

According to Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil, Chancellor Olaf Scholz will also lead the SPD in the next election campaign. (Archive photo) Photo

© Michael Matthey/dpa

After the disastrous result of the European elections, the Chancellor’s party is grappling with the consequences. Lower Saxony’s head of government is demanding that his comrades speak plainly in the dressing room, but go out on the field as one.

Despite the Despite the SPD’s defeat in the European elections, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is, in the view of Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil, “undisputed as the party’s number one”. “Olaf Scholz really has the trust of the SPD, and I see no alternative at all,” said Weil on the ARD program “Report from Berlin”. In his opinion, “all relevant parts of the SPD” agree “that we will go into the next election campaign with Olaf Scholz”. He added: “But then hopefully on a much better basis than was the case this time.”

Weil stressed: “It makes no sense to start a public argument after a lost game. You have to talk to each other openly in the dressing room, but then go back onto the field as a united front.”

The SPD only received 13.9 percent in the European elections, its worst result in a nationwide vote. Subsequently, several SPD politicians expressed the expectation that Scholz would be more aggressive in the traffic light coalition in promoting the core concerns of the Social Democrats. On Sunday, leading SPD politicians met for a special meeting of the party presidium to discuss the consequences.

Will Scholz be a candidate for chancellor again?

Weil said that what needs to change is the cooperation within the traffic light coalition. People are overestimating “what a Chancellor can actually do in a situation like this, where coalition partners (…) do not always show the necessary level of constructiveness.” The three coalition partners are now facing a very difficult task. “And if they are wisely advised, they will agree on a common course.”

Scholz also urged the coalition in interviews at the weekend to pull itself together after the poor results of the traffic light parties in the European elections. On ARD, when asked whether he was sure that he would be the SPD’s next candidate for chancellor in light of the criticism, he answered with a brief “yes”.


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