SPD General Secretary Miersch in an interview: “Creating security in change”

As of: October 9, 2024 12:18 a.m

The new general secretary of the SPD, Matthias Miersch, has joined the daily topics shown confidence that his party will get out of the poll slump. He wanted to focus on fundamentally social democratic themes.

The new SPD general secretary Matthias Miersch has promised his party full commitment, especially for the federal election campaign. In the daily topics Miersch explained that he sees his new task as an “enormous challenge” and a “great confirmation and honor” of his work.

Miersch expressed confidence that the party would get out of the polls’ low. It is now the task of the Secretary General to show that the next federal election is about a directional decision.

“Security in stormy times”

The parties’ recipes are completely different. People are very unsettled. But with empathy he will try to get a lot of support for social democratic goals again.

The SPD wants to make industrial, economic and financial policy a main topic in the debate with the Union in the 2025 federal election campaign. Miersch explained that he would make it clear that it was about fundamentally social democratic demands, such as securing industrial jobs.

Miersch explained that the SPD wanted to create security in times of change and that it could provide this in “stormy times”. He wanted to express his respect to all those who keep the country alive and who are “bent” and who are not among the higher earners, such as nursing staff and employees in daycare centers.

Support for Scholz

Miersch emphasized that despite difficult conditions, the pension package, the collective agreement loyalty law and also the budget would be passed. The SPD wants to invest in the future, in education and in cohesion.

Miersch went on to say that he would be 100 percent loyal to Chancellor Scholz. He doesn’t believe in personnel speculation about the position of chancellor or candidate for chancellor. He will give the party courage to survive the election campaign.

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