SPD General Secretary: Kevin Kühnert’s Twitter profile offline

SPD General Secretary
Kevin Kühnert’s Twitter profile offline

SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert no longer has his own account on Twitter. photo

© Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Digital Detox or Precaution Over Controversial Russia Statements? SPD General Secretary Kühnert has recently stopped using Twitter.

The Twitter profile of SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert is no longer available. “This account does not exist,” said the short message service on Monday. The reason was initially unclear, a spokesman initially did not comment on a dpa request on Monday. So far, Kühnert has had almost 370,000 followers on Twitter. His Instagram profile with a good 93,000 followers was still online on Monday.

Kühnert was recently criticized for statements on Monday morning on the RTL and ntv channels. There he expressed reservations about demands for deliveries of German tanks to Ukraine. So far, no state has delivered Western tanks. “These statements that we don’t want to be gradually drawn into the war, that we don’t want to encourage Russia to act completely irrationally in the end and attack completely different states, that’s no small thing.” This is an important aspect that must be considered with “all hot hearts”.


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