SPD candidate for Chancellor Scholz: The goal is a government before Christmas

Status: 10/15/2021 7:53 p.m.

Fast coalition negotiations with the Greens and the FDP are not just a matter of form, said SPD Chancellor candidate Scholz in an interview with the daily topics. But decisive progress has been made on issues that could cause difficulties.

SPD top candidate Olaf Scholz would like to be elected as the new Federal Chancellor before Christmas. In an interview with the ARD daily topics However, the previous Federal Minister of Finance also slowed down expectations. Despite the harmonious exploration, coalition negotiations are not a matter of form. “This is being prepared with great seriousness. The explorations of the last few days have of course served this purpose. The most important possible questions that could cause difficulties in coalition negotiations should be clarified.” That was decidedly advanced, said Scholz. One can assume that if everyone sets out for the coalition negotiations now, there will be a good result.

Fund projects through private and public investments

The exploratory teams from the SPD, Greens and FDP have big plans: They want to invest in climate protection, there should be a minimum wage of twelve euros, and more money should also be spent on research and science. Scholz did not answer specifically how this should be financed. Private-sector investments in the expansion of energy generation should be made possible. Public investments should accompany this. “Money has already been earmarked for this in the financial planning. We will make it possible for the interaction of public investments, which have to be high, and even more private investments to work well,” said the SPD candidate for chancellor.

What it is about is that “we create the conditions for further economic growth. We want to modernize our society, but also advance the country if it is a question of ensuring that social cohesion works.”

Olaf Scholz in conversation with Ingo Zamperoni about the results of the traffic light explorations

Topics of the day 9.45 p.m., October 15, 2021

“There can be a great departure”

The SPD executive committee has already decided to enter into coalition negotiations. Scholz said he hoped that the Greens and FDP would also decide on Sunday and Monday. That is the basis for “that the coalition talks can be just as constructive as the previous explorations.” Such a government could also bring about a great departure for Germany, said Scholz. It is also about progress in society. “That unites all three parties.”

“To be at the forefront as a country”

The possible new Federal Chancellor emphasized: “We will set out to prepare the Germany that we envision for the coming decade.” It is about developing a CO2-neutral industry that is globally competitive. To do this, energy generation must be expanded, and companies must have the guarantee that enough affordable electricity is available. “As a country, we want to be at the forefront,” said Scholz. The coalition, which could be formed with the Greens and the FDP, has taken on this as well.

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