Space travel: Amazon founder Bezos sends another six people into space

space travel
Amazon founder Bezos sends another six people into space

Amazon founder Bezos has sent six more people into space for a short trip. Photo: Blue Origin/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Ten minutes in space – the “New Shepard” rocket system took off again for six passengers. However, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin is silent about the price of the tickets.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has sent six more people into space for a short trip.

Entrepreneurs Marty Allen, Jim Kitchen, George Nield, Sharon and Marc Hagle and Gary Lai, a manager of Bezos’ space company Blue Origin, took off on Thursday aboard the New Shepard missile system in western Texas, according to reports Live images of the company could be seen.

Around ten minutes later, the capsule of the largely automated rocket system landed again with the help of parachutes. Blue Origin did not say how much the entrepreneurs paid for their tickets.

It was the company’s fourth manned all-space excursion: On the first one in July 2021, Amazon founder Bezos himself was on board. The second in October 2021 was attended by 90-year-old Canadian actor William Shatner, who became world famous with his role as “Captain Kirk” in “Star Trek”. The third flight in December 2021 included the daughter of the first American in space, Laura Shepard Churchley, and TV presenter Michael Strahan.

The fourth flight was originally planned for March 23 – with US comedian Pete Davidson as the “guest of honor”. After the postponement, however, Davidson was no longer able to be there, Blue Origin had announced. Blue Origin initially did not say whether the comedian could fly into space at a later date.


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