South Africa: Hundreds of people die in floods

South Africa
Worst storm in living memory: Hundreds lose their lives, tens of thousands their homes

The water masses ripped away roads in eastern South Africa – and claimed hundreds of lives


Days of rain have led to severe flooding in South Africa. Hundreds of dead have already been recovered – and the work continues.

The number of dead rises and rises. After severe flooding in eastern South Africa, the authorities have now confirmed that 443 have died and another 64 are still missing.

Days of heavy rain flooded the port city of Durban and the surrounding area. The rains have subsided in the meantime, but the search and clean-up work is far from over.

Tens of thousands left homeless by storms in South Africa

The worst storms in the coastal region around Durban in living memory had started last weekend. According to meteorologists, more than 450 millimeters of rain fell in KwaZulu-Natal within 48 hours, almost half the average annual rainfall.

With heavy rains announced again for the weekend, the provincial government prepared for further emergencies and possible evacuations. Rescue workers were also on call while the clean-up and rescue work continued.

The heavy rains triggered severe flooding and landslides, especially in the greater Durban area. Roads, houses, schools and hospitals were destroyed. Parts of the city have been without electricity and running water since Monday. More than 40,000 people have been made homeless by the floods. The port of Durban, one of Africa’s largest cargo ports, was closed until further notice.

The coastal province of KwaZulu-Natal, on the Indian Ocean, is one of the country’s most important holiday destinations and had actually already prepared for the traditional Easter rush of domestic and foreign tourists.


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