South Africa could replace Italy as early as 2025

Both soul and lung of European rugby since the integration of France in 1910, the V and then the VI Nations Tournament should undergo a revolution in 2025. The competition would still bring together six countries, as since 2000 and the arrival of the ‘Italy. But for the first time in its history, one of the competing teams would be non-European: according to the British DailyMailSouth Africa should join England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France, leaving aside the Transalpine who have not won a match in the event for seven years.

The idea of ​​integrating the Springboks is not new, but it has seen a boost since the CVC Capital Partners fund took a 14.3% stake in Six Nations Rugby, organizer of the Tournament, in March 2021 , for a sum of up to 426 million euros. Inevitably, the Luxembourg private equity firm, already familiar with rugby and other disciplines (F1, football, etc.), did not inject so much money so that its managers can enjoy a beer in hand in front of the inspirations of ‘Antoine Dupont or the Scot Stuart Hogg.

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The arrival of the South African world champions is likely to increase the income of a sport which, like many other sectors, has felt the effects of Covid. Initially, the objective was to launch the Springboks in the Six Nations Tournament from 2024, but the DailyMail indicates that the complexity of the process will delay this integration for a year. South Africa also committed on Wednesday for three more years in the Rugby Championship, where it faces New Zealand, Australia and Argentina.

The British daily also ensures that there is no question of touching the current format of the Six Nations Tournament and therefore of increasing the number of teams, which automatically condemns Italy…

The Florian Grill Prophecy

The fears expressed a year ago in 20 minutes by Florian Grill, main opponent of the president of the FFR, Bernard Laporte, are therefore becoming reality. “In the documents, it is specified that CVC has the right of veto on the adhesion of a federation to the VI Nations, then noted the president of the Ile-de-France committee. This means that if tomorrow Japan or Georgia want to return, an investment fund will decide. »

Well done, except that we are talking about South Africa and that Georgia, which cherished the somewhat crazy hope of joining the European elite after the establishment of a hypothetical system of promotion-relegation with the Tournament of VI Nations B, will continue for a long time to be content with visiting Bucharest, Madrid, Lisbon and soon Rome.

The integration of South African rugby into the European market continues at a brisk pace. While waiting to compete in the European Cups, the South African teams have joined the United Rugby Championship this season (the late Celtic League, which later became Pro 12 then Pro 14), alongside the Celts and the Italians. The somewhat abrupt summary of this case: sorry for the history and the carbon footprint, but you have to put money in the coffers.

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