SOS Racisme takes legal action after the threat of “ratonnade” from the president of the Pointe-Rouge yachting club

SOS Racism posters. (archives) – LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP

Words that do not get through. According to our information, this Tuesday, in the afternoon, the legal service of SOS Racisme sent the Marseille prosecutor’s office a report for “racist unfairness and incitement to hatred and discrimination”, after the president of the yachting club de la Pointe-Rouge said he was ready, in the midst of a meeting in the metropolis, for a “ratonnade” towards the “Arabs”.

This report, which has the value of a complaint, was decided after an alert launched by the Marseille collective Too Young to Die, which is associated with the process. “We find it alarming that someone makes these uninhibited remarks during a meeting of a port council, all in front of elected officials who say nothing, even laugh, deplores Marie Mescam, head of the legal department of SOS Racism. We are still there in 2021. Above all, the use of the term ratonnade is extremely violent, and refers to the darkest hours in the history of our country. “

As revealed Marsactu this Tuesday, during a meeting of the port council on February 22, Christian Tommasini, exasperated by incivility in the port of Pointe-Rouge, had made vehement remarks towards the “Arabs”. “The day we have to arm ourselves, I’ll be the first to go ratonnade!” “, He had launched in particular. The meeting was held in the presence in particular of the vice-president LR of the metropolis Didier Réault, visibly amused at the time by these words. On Twitter this Tuesday, the latter described them as “unacceptable”.

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