Solidarity is organized to welcome new Afghan refugees

Since the dazzling reconquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban, around fifty people from Afghan civil society have found refuge in Lille. And solidarity with these people does not stop there, Martine Aubry having assured, this Monday, that the city would welcome a certain number of Afghan artists in the coming days.

53 Afghans have been accommodated in Lille since the end of last week. Twelve families, often large, a few couples and few single people. About these exiles, we will not know more for the moment. “It is a question of showing discretion on the names and the places where these people are accommodated until one is sure that there is no more any risk for their close relations still in Afghanistan”, explains Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille. All are currently in quarantine due to the coronavirus, families in houses belonging to the city, the other refugees in a hostel.

Lists of people to be exfiltrated

These exiles did not arrive in Lille by chance. Their names, and those of the artists expected soon, had been listed either by cultural institutions or by two young people from Lille who had found refuge in Lille during the first invasion of the Taliban. “They were in Kabul in July to see their families and they witnessed the advance of the Taliban. These young people have anticipated by providing us with a list of threatened people to be exfiltrated as a priority, from the world of justice, health, education ”, specifies the mayor of Lille.

In their flight, the Afghans were unable to take anything, not even a suitcase. The city has therefore launched an appeal for donations from the population. The counter, opened in town hall this Monday morning, was literally taken by storm. Before noon, more than 80 people had already deposited many effects. “I did all the closets in my house and found clothes for adults and also for children. I have recently become a mother and the fate of these families touches me, ”explains Amélie, a young girl from Lille. “For accommodation and food, the city takes care of it. What is needed are clothes, shoes, ”insists Martine Aubry. The Boulanger and Leroy-Merlin brands, for their part, donated household appliances to equip homes and homes.

According to the town hall, the exiles remain tried by the ordeal they are going through but they are also beginning to come back to life. Coronavirus obliges, vaccination will be offered to them. Then, all will enter the asylum application process and schooling solutions are already being studied for the children. The following…

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