Software features: what’s to come in iOS 16

iOS 16.2 isn’t the end of the road yet: Apple still has a number of features in the pipeline that the iPhone maker announced for its operating system last summer (or even earlier), but has yet to implement. Some of these are minor in nature, others quite significant.

The important security function Advanced Data Protection (ADP), with which Apple is finally bringing end-to-end encryption to the iCloud and for the first time also securing the previously problematic backup, is currently only available in the USA. Rollout to other regions of the world is scheduled to begin “early 2023,” Apple said. Two other new security features – the ability to use hardware security keys to secure the Apple ID, and to identify intruders in iMessage conversations more easily – Apple also only wants to offer in the spring, they have not yet been released.

The long-awaited new classic app for Apple Music, Apple Music Classical, has still not been implemented by the group, despite a corresponding announcement. What’s the problem here remains unclear, so far there has been no comment on it. The application is to be released for all Apple Music subscribers (11 euros/month) when it is finished. The “new HomeKit architecture”, which is intended to make Apple’s smart home system more stable and powerful, is still unfinished. The manufacturer abruptly canceled their rollout after there had been massive problems with users.

Also announced and not yet implemented Web push notifications in Safari, which Apple also announced in the summer – there will be an opt-in system for this, as was known from the desktop. For the Apple Card, which has so far only been available in the USA, there will be an installment purchase function (“Apple Pay Later”) and a new savings account with a decent interest rate, into which you can deposit your cash back (which is two to three percent). .

The revised version of Apple’s vehicle integration CarPlay, for which there was a preview at the WWDC developer conference in summer 2022, is also not yet available. CarPlay 2.0 will also be able to use other displays in the car and take over more vehicle functions, but the car manufacturer must first allow Apple to do this. Finally, the group promises to offer its new satellite emergency call for iPhone 14 devices in other countries – currently only half a dozen regions are covered here.

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