Social: Festival: sleeping bags and tents collected for a good cause

Festival: sleeping bags and tents collected for a good cause

The open-air festival with around 78,000 visitors per day is over again. Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

After the Hurricane Festival in Scheeßel, a lot of things we brought with us were left behind. Sleeping bags, sleeping mats and tents are now to be prepared for the homeless.

After the end of the Hurricane music festival in Scheeßel, Lower Saxony, Hanseatic Help collected several hundred sleeping bags, insulating mats and tents that had been left behind on the festival site.

The camping equipment will now be sorted and cleaned by a team of volunteers so that it can be used by the homeless and other people in emergency situations in autumn and winter, the Hamburg aid organization announced on Monday. The campaign under the hashtag #NachSommerKommtKalt will also take place next month at the Deichbrand Festival on the Wursten North Sea coast near Cuxhaven.

Around 100 sleeping bags, 140 tents and 60 sleeping mats were collected in Scheeßel on Monday. “With our campaign we were able to contribute to avoiding waste at the festival and at the same time collect valuable supplies for our social work,” said Janina Frauendiener from Hanseatic Help. The campaign was also supported by festival acts such as Deichkind, Antilopen Gang and Frittenbude, who called for donations and participation.


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