SNCF relies on Lyon-Paris to relaunch

Connect Lyon to Paris in two hours: this feat, perpetuated since 1981, has become commonplace for French rail travelers. “The TGV Paris-Lyon is 40 years old, it is the historic high speed line in France”, reminds the communication service of the SNCF in 20 minutes. “The number of customers has since doubled, and today TGV Inoui offers 22 daily round trips between the two cities, Ouigo offers two. “

New trains, redesigned seats

Building on this attendance, SNCF developed in 2021 a new range of services that will go further in 2022, with new or renovated trainsets that will gradually replace the current ones. The 556 places instead of 510 will offer more comfortable seats, new equipment and a redesigned lighting atmosphere. The 17 new trains will include two bicycle spaces, four disabled spaces, less square footage, and one USB port per seat.

Given that 40% of journeys made with TGV Inoui between Paris and Lyon are for professional reasons, SNCF has concentrated its efforts on Business Première class, “a separate car” which has been offering a new catering offer since October, included in the price of the ticket, and a host available throughout the trip. In 1st class, the wheelchair will be rearranged into a workspace with an additional shelf, better seat inclination, variable-intensity lighting and a reading light.

The line will benefit from the new TGV M in 2024

The 2nd class will remain almost identical, and will benefit from a new wi-fi portal closer to families, with online games, podcasts … The connection to wi-fi, often chaotic in trains, “is based on failure on 4G, the mesh size of which is quite large on this line ”. That said, “being able to be connected to wi-fi at 300 km / h, that remains a technical feat”, recalls the communication department.

This pioneering Paris-Lyon line also serves as a laboratory for testing new services before rolling them out to other destinations. “We tested the service there instead, in particular, and the first connectivity tests when it was still in its infancy. “

Above all, it will be the first line to benefit from the TGV M, at the end of 2024. Its streamlined look, close to the Japanese Shinkansen, will house a large capacity for modularity: the seats can be configured to adapt the space according to needs. And the child who kicks the back of your seat for two hours will be a memory of the past.

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