Slovakia: Why ex-Prime Minister Fico is sitting in parliament instead of in prison. – Politics

Bribery, extortion, gang formation: the allegations against former Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico weigh heavily. Why he is still in parliament instead of in prison.


Victoria Grossman

Robert Fico is still not in prison, but in Parliament. The leader of the opposition is more ready to attack than ever and is even aiming for the next elections in Slovakia. The 57-year-old was Prime Minister of Slovakia three times, resigned in 2018 due to public pressure, and two years later his party had to go into opposition. The research of the young journalist Ján Kuciak was aimed at the then Prime Minister of Slovakia, in February 2018 Kuciak and his girlfriend were shot dead in their house. The tracks led to Fico. The assassins have long since been convicted, but the clients have not.

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