Slingshot wind at LR where young activists slam the door

They are fired up against the leadership of a party “which tacitly agrees to the policy of Emmanuel Macron. Rebellious wind among the Republicans where young activists have just slammed the door to express their disagreement with the political line of the party chaired by Eric Ciotti. On March 20, the leaders of the young LRs in Morbihan had thus announced “the dissolution of the local movement” after returning their cards. Four days later, the young militants of Ille-et-Vilaine did the same, deploring that Les Républicains had become “the little telegraphists of Anglo-Saxon liberalism. »

The protesters notably criticize the management for its refusal to vote for the motion of censure against the government. “The Republicans have definitively detached themselves from the people and therefore cannot be the heirs of Gaullism”, believe the young LRs of Morbihan.

“A vote for the Nation”, defends Eric Ciotti

In the party, we relativize these dissidences which remain a minority among the hundred sections of young people. Sunday the president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella, questioned on France 3, had mentioned these departures by calling on the “sincere patriots” of LR to “come and work with us. »

For his part, the president of the Republicans Eric Ciotti wrote to members on Monday to again defend a “choice of consistency” on the pension reform. “This vote was a vote for the Nation” and not “for Emmanuel Macron”, he indicates in this letter which is, we are assured to the party, independent of the movement of discontent among young people.

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