Sleep: Germans dream of going to work without pants – economy

Since it really matters what you dream, here are tips from someone who should know. Chet Baker, the supremely romantic jazz trumpeter of the 1950s, recommended: just slowly dim the lights, sink into your armchair and watch the cigarette smoke rise very gradually and everything around you dissolve in a bluish haze. “I’m deep in a dream of you” was the name of this wonderful West Coast ballad, and the great Chet Baker knew exactly what makes the perfect dream. And how best to engage with him.

Then there was later the Mamas and the Papas, who dreamed of warm California in a cold New York winter in 1963 and later called their longing classic “California dreamin'”. And of course the British pop duo eurythmicswhich already knew 40 years ago: “Sweet dreams are made of this.”

Love, romance, the twilight hour and Californian beaches. There is plenty of material for sweet dreams.

And yet the many people toil most at night with: work. 55 percent of all employees dream of their job, almost a third even have nightmares once a week. At least that is the result of an evaluation of search queries from an online portal specializing in CVs called

Now, of course, you could say: Okay, if you spend more time in the office and on the subway throughout the day than in California, your brain really has other things to do at night than busy with wide beaches and the sound of the Pacific Ocean . And so many dream of showing up late for work or bickering with colleagues or the boss. A very close cousin of the trouble at work dream is the scenario where someone dreams of being replaced at the office. Not nice either.

But why many people should dream of appearing at work without pants requires a far more profound analysis. Does this nightmare now mean deep insecurity, are there perhaps some problems at work? Or is it a sign that maybe it’s time to get a new pair of pants, or is it a complete makeover? May be. Or maybe it’s just time to hit the beach. Or just listen to Chet Baker again.

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