Sirt food diet: how to lose weight with chocolate and red wine

Watch the video: Sirtfood Diet – It’s so easy to lose weight by enjoying chocolate and red wine.

The singer Adele not only made headlines in 2021 with her music, but also with her enormous weight loss. How did she do it? With the so-called sirt food diet.
Curiously, the sirt food diet has been discussed because both red wine and chocolate are allowed in the menu.
What’s behind it? The sirt food diet is basically about restricting your calorie intake and activating sirtuins, including by eating small amounts of chocolate and red wine.
Sirtuins are certain enzymes that can influence metabolism, inflammatory processes and various factors of aging, among other things.
The Sirtfood diet is divided into three phases, in the first three days you reduce your calorie intake to just 1000 kilocalories. Mainly sirtuin-containing juices from, for example, rocket, apples, celery or parsley and a single main meal are consumed.
Phase two lasts until the desired weight is reached. In the second phase, the calorie intake is increased to 1500 kilocalories.
After that, the calorie intake is increased to 1800 kilocalories.

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