Since the revelations targeting the Orpea group, do you fear for your loved ones in Ehpad?

For the past week, the leading group in France of retirement homes, Orpea, has been in turmoil. The publication of a book-investigation entitled The Gravediggers highlighted the weight of the financialization of these establishments in the care of residents. Summoned on Tuesday by the Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly, Brigitte Bourguignon, the new CEO of the group will have to respond to these accusations of mismanagement.

In France, more than 606,000 dependent elderly people are now housed in nursing homes according to figures collected in 2020 by Drees, the statistical service of social ministries. Already singled out at the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, the care of these French men and women is of concern to thousands of families.

One of your relatives currently resides in Ehpad, how do you live with these revelations? Has the publication of this survey raised any new concerns for you? Are you planning to change the care of your loved one? If yes, how ? You can testify in the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article.

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