Sibylle Banaschak reveals the lies of violent parents

When parents abuse their children, they often try to cover it up afterwards. Forensic scientist Sibylle Banaschak knows several forms of lying – and ways to expose them

Ms. Banaschak, as a forensic pathologist you have been examining the injuries of abused children for over 20 years. Many parents try to cover up what they have done to their little ones and come up with excuses and lies. When are bruises suspicious?
I become alert when the bruises are spread over a very large area or are in unusual places on the body. Even shaped injuries need an explanation. For example, if there is a streaky imprint on the face. Or the whole buttocks are blue and not just one half. A girl may have a genital injury after falling on a balance beam during sports. But she may not have an injury to her hymen. That would be unusual.

Is a delayed visit to the doctor always noticeable?
Of course. On the one hand, people complain that parents are constantly going to the emergency room for trivial things. And then a child with extensive burns is only brought to the hospital three days later? That’s strange.

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