Shopping in Starnberg: Initiative wants to make the city center more attractive – Starnberg

Retailers and tradespeople are finding it increasingly difficult in economically difficult times: the misery about a lack of customers, falling sales and the desolation of inner cities is omnipresent. In Starnberg people have been worried about the health of the business world for a long time, which is why the “City Initiative Starnberg” was founded years ago. In the past, however, there was only rarely unity in the association of business people, and the interest group increasingly lost its clout. This is about to change: A new board of directors – consisting exclusively of women – wants to stimulate commerce in the city center in cooperation with the city’s location promotion for tourism, culture and public relations. “Concentrated women’s power”, according to trade consultant Rudi Zirngibl, should make Starnberg more attractive as a shopping city.

Together they want to strive for a sustainable revitalization of the city center

A new board was elected in May: Corinna Hjorth (fashion shop “Zauberhaft deluxe”) replaced Jan Thunig as chairman after just one year, her deputy is Annette von Nordeck (GWT; Society for Economic and Tourism Development in the Starnberg district). The committee is completed by gallery owner Indi Herbst, Linda Kadner (“Bubble Boutique”), Petra Hergenröther-Magenau (online marketing agency DataAudience and “Les Petites Fleurs”) and Manuela Keiler, landlady of the “Starnberg City Market”. Mayor Patrick Janik and trade officer Zirngibl complement the women’s squad as co-opted members, together they want to strive for a sustainable revitalization of the city center. The six women presented themselves to the city council on Monday.

According to Hjorth, the problems from the point of view of traders are: lack of customer frequency, inconsistent opening hours and an insufficient mix of branches. The quality and length of stay should therefore be optimized through a “friendlier appearance”. If the “City Initiative” has its way, the weekly market on Saturdays in particular could become a “meeting place” with a more lavish offer. Hopes are also pinned on events lasting several days in the district capital.

The weekly market on the church square should be strengthened as a meeting place – also with a larger offer.

(Photo: Georgine Treybal)

City Initiative Starnberg: Also Linda Kadner from the "Bubble Boutique" is represented in the City Initiative.

Linda Kadner from the “Bubble Boutique” is also represented in the city initiative.

(Photo: Nila Thiel)

“It’s a really tough board that we’re drilling,” said Annette von Nordeck. In particular, the inconsistent opening hours on Saturdays are confusing from the customer’s point of view. It is now proposed – at least in the core area of ​​the city – that the shops close at 4 p.m. However, it is questionable whether all business people and restaurateurs will participate: the association currently only has 55 members, which corresponds at best to ten to 15 percent of all tradespeople in Starnberg. Von Nordeck knows that the “City Initiative” didn’t have the best reputation recently. Frustration and disputes in previous years often erupted in leaving the club.

Now everything should get better, but “only together it makes sense”, knows von Nordeck. A lot of time was put into various projects, “we wanted to offer something first,” says the well-connected GWT woman. Further talks with business owners and also the factions in the city council are now being sought. The Management Board sees the extension of the time for the Christmas market with a supporting program to eleven days as a first success. “We really fought for that,” said Hjorth, which prompted Mayor Patrick Janik to remark: “I let you win too.”

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