Shattered Space: Bethesda wants annual expansions for Starfield

Even before the release of Starfield in September 2023, it was known that there would be an expansion called Shattered Space. Now Todd Howard, the head of the developer studio Bethesda, has an interview commented on the scope: The add-on should offer about as much content as Far Harbor for Fallout 4.

According to the website How long to Beat, the DLC offers around 7 hours for the main story. With side missions, it is usually a little over 15 hours. If you really search and collect everything, it will take just under 23 hours.

Shattered Space will probably be a pretty dark chapter in the history of Starfield. The expansion is set around and on the home planet of the Va’ruun.

This is one of three major factions, the other two being the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies, which have formed in the populated systems. The Va’ruun worship a serpent, and the trailer also shows semi-transparent monsters on a space station.

The add-on is scheduled to be released before the end of 2024, but there is no specific date yet. It is included in the Premium Edition, the upgrade costs around 25 euros – but there are also a few other extras.

Bethesda: Many new projects

In the interview, Todd Howard also said that Shattered Space is a “annual” expansion. His team is already working on a second major add-on – the company boss did not provide any details.

Bethesda is currently working on several projects. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is due to be released in 2024, and Doom – The Dark Ages, set in a fantasy medieval setting, is expected in 2025. The Elder Scrolls 6 is also in production, and there are also plans to make a new Fallout sooner rather than later.

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