Sex Ü40: When the man no longer feels like having sex

Men can and always want to. Or not? Unfortunately, men’s lack of sex drive is still a taboo subject. As a result, both suffer in the partnership. But the pleasure gap can be overcome!

“My husband doesn’t want to,” she says. I’ve just finished the reading for my book and I’m in the process of signing the copies and speaking briefly to the buyers. Now she is standing in front of me with my book in her hand. “He doesn’t want to,” she continues. I look at her puzzled. “My husband looks good, runs marathons, but nothing happens in bed anymore,” she adds and laughs. Her laugh makes her even more attractive, it sounds easygoing, happy and has the tone of “I don’t mind”. However, her eyes are very sad. There is a melancholy and languor in the gaze.

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