Severe weather: Heavy thunderstorms with hail and heavy rain expected

Severe thunderstorms with hail and heavy rain expected

Heavy thunderstorms are expected in western and central Germany. Photo

© Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

Hail, storm and hurricane gusts – severe weather is possible in the west, in the centre and in the evening also in the east of Germany on Tuesday.

The German Weather Service (DWD) expects heavy Severe weather, particularly in the west and centre of Germany. From late morning onwards, isolated strong thunderstorms are expected. Towards the evening, severe weather is also expected in the east.

Large hailstones, strong storm or hurricane gusts and heavy rain with precipitation amounts of up to 30 litres per square metre are to be expected in some areas. According to meteorologists, isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out in the west and in the centre.

Although the north is not affected by the thunderstorms, heavy rain must be expected in the north and northwest of Germany. According to the DWD forecast from Tuesday morning, rainfall amounts of between 20 and 35 liters per square meter are possible within a few hours. The coast is excluded.

During the night into Wednesday, strong thunderstorms with stormy gusts, hail and heavy rain will again move from France to the southwest.


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