Several positive Covid cases detected on a cruise ship

Several positive cases for Covid-19 and contact cases have been detected on a cruise ship which docked in Marseille on Sunday and the people concerned placed in isolation, corroborating sources told AFP confirming information from France 3 .

“We have six positive cases belonging to two families and the same number of contact cases”, told AFP the communication department of the Costa Cruises company, specifying that these people were part of a group of 180 tourists who carried out a weeklong cruise in the Mediterranean with stops in Spain and Italy.

All screened negative on boarding

These people had all been screened negative by antigenic tests last Sunday, when they embarked in Marseille on board the Costa Smeralda, a ship with a capacity of about 6,000 people reduced by 70% at most as a precaution against the virus. .

According to the health protocol, a second passenger test had been carried out halfway but it was a feverish person who finally sounded the alert and his entourage was immediately tested, said Costa Cruises.

Isolation in a part of the boat

The positive cases and contact cases identified did not wish to go down to Italy and were then placed in isolation in a part of the boat provided for this purpose until their return to Marseille, where they were taken care of by ambulances. to their homes, according to the company.

“The company got in touch with the ARS on Friday to inform us of the situation,” said the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in a press release, specifying that it reminded the cruise line of “the recommendations” to be observed “for the management. of this situation “.

“The company has confirmed the isolation of the people concerned and their contacts at risk upon discovery of their positivity and to have implemented the safe disembarkation of these people upon their arrival in Marseille,” she said.

The ARS calls on everyone to “be vigilant and responsible” in “this period of strong viral circulation” where, she emphasizes, “vaccination remains the most effective solution”.

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