Several deaths during Hajj in Saudi Arabia due to extreme heat

Status: 16.06.2024 18:38

In scorching heat, millions of believers in Saudi Arabia are taking part in the Muslim pilgrimage Hajj. At least 19 people have died due to the extreme heat of over 40 degrees. They came from Jordan and Iran.

At least 19 people have died during the Muslim Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia due to the extreme heat. 14 pilgrims from Jordan have died of heat stroke, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry in Amman announced. 17 others are still missing.

In addition, according to the head of the Iranian Red Crescent, Pirhossein Koolivand, five pilgrims with Iranian citizenship have died.

The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia had warned of rising temperatures and advised pilgrims to drink plenty of water and avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours of the day. Temperatures in the region had risen to well over 40 degrees Celsius in recent days. Many of the rituals take place outdoors and on foot, which is a challenge especially for older people.

Believers arrive at Mount Arafat on the second day of the Hajj pilgrimage.

Millions of believers climbed Mount Arafat

As part of the Hajj pilgrimage, 1.5 million believers climbed Mount Arafat. The Prophet Mohammed is said to have given his last sermon there. Today, the pilgrims take part in the symbolic stoning of the devil. The ritual heralds the end of the pilgrimage.

Many pilgrims protected themselves from the sun with umbrellas. But older people in particular collapsed on the pilgrimage due to the heat and had to be treated medically, reports the news agency AP. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every healthy Muslim who can afford it should undertake it at least once in their life.

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