Several cases among fully vaccinated White House staff

A hell of a hole in the racket. Fully vaccinated members of White House staff have tested positive for Covid-19, Biden administration spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Tuesday, without specifying when the first infections date back.

The last case was identified on Monday, she said during her daily press briefing, specifying that the person, whose identity has not been given, but who is not a senior official, is was outside the White House and had “mild” symptoms.

In Congress too

“There have been” other cases of vaccinated people testing positive for Covid-19 among White House staff, she then said, without giving the exact number. She said health protocols had “not been changed” and that the president, Joe Biden, was tested “every two weeks or so”.

Also on Monday, a person in the communication team of Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in Congress, tested positive for Covid-19, again after a full vaccination, the elected officials said.

These statements come as the Biden administration is working to revive the vaccination campaign in the country, which is facing a resurgence of contaminations due to the spread of the Delta variant.

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